
Wednesday, November 9

Mahalakshmi Sadhana Real Experience

Mahalakshmi Sadhana:

Significance of Wealth in life!
Goddess Mahalkashmi
I had reached an age where soon I had to burden the responsibilities of life. It is a sacred tradition in our family to seek the guidance and blessings of our revered Sadgurudev before launching my career. But a call to Jodhpur and I came to know that Sadgurudev was engaged in some Sadhana of his own and would not meet anybody for at least a few months.

Hence I had to begin my business without his blessings. I started off with great enthusiasm and courage. I had just about settled in business when problems started coming up. First I dealt them with courage but soon the onslaughts became so frequent that I started feeling helpless before them. Within a few months my business collapsed and I was filled with great disappointment so much so that I felt like giving up everything and running away.

One day without informing anybody I left for Jodhpur and reached Sadgurudev’s Ashram. But there I was told that he would emerge from Sadhana only after two months. I decided to stay there and share the work in the Ashram. The in-charge of the Ashram knew me well and he allowed me to do so. I even started wearing ochre robes meant for ascetics.

After two months Sadgurudev came out of his Sadhana room finally. He looked a bit lean. When his eyes fell on me a look of disappointment came on his features. But he did not say anything. The next day he called me and asked me why I was there. I was unable to relate my misadventures to him so he asked me to write them on a paper and give it to him. This I did and having read it he said,” I did not expect such cowardly behavior from you. You are deceiving yourself. Do you think by wearing ochre robes you shall be free from your family responsibilities? True, ascetic life is wonderful but it is not for escapists. You have to go back.”

He fell silent and then continued, “I know you are facing problems but there are solutions for them in Tantra. You shall have to accomplish Lakshmi Sadhana. Maybe you do not know but even the great Guru Shankaracharya had to accomplish Lakshmi Sadhana. Otherwise how would he have been able to establish four divine spiritual seats all-over the world? A real man never bows down before adversities. He attains victory over them through Sadhanas if need be.”

Later he made me accomplish a very special Mahalakshmi Sadhana. I returned home and restarted my business and within a year I had achieved amazing success. If today I am so wealthy, prosperous and happy it is due to that powerful ritual. With Sadgurudev’s permission I am revealing it here for benefit of others.

Start this ritual on a Wednesday. At night after 10 pm have a bath and wear clean red clothes. Make a mark with vermillion on the forehead. Sit on a red mat facing south. Cover a wooden seat with red cloth. In a plate draw a Swastik with saffron. On it place a Mahalakshmi Yantra. Light a ghee lamp. Offer vermillion, rice grains, rose petals on the Yantra. Offer prayers to Lord Ganapati chanting Om Gam Ganapataye Namah five times. Thereafter chant one round of Guru Mantra and pray to Guru for success. Then with a Kamalgatta rosary chant 51 rounds of following divine Mantra.

Mantra: Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Om Phat

ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं श्रीं ॐ फट्

Do this for two days. After that drop the rosary in a river or pond and place the Yantra in your worship place or your shop or business centre. Briefly worship it daily by lighting incense and chanting the above Mantra just 11 times.

Saturday, November 5

Rambha Apsara Sadhana रम्भा अप्सरा साधना

Rambha Apsara Sadhana (रम्भा अप्सरा साधना):
Rambha, The Celestial Nymph
Among all the celestial nymphs, Rambha is on the first position. Apsara Rambha is regarded as well mannered and etiquette. Rambha is the synonym of happiness, enthusiasm, beauty, joy, music and politeness. Only the Rambha Apsara Sadhana is a divine key to beauty, happiness, and youthful life and to attain the magnetic personality. The old man can also be rejuvenated and revitalized to youthfulness through the divine Rambha Apsara Sadhana. This is Saumya Sadhana.

Even Gods and Goddesses performed this divine Rambha Apsara Sadhana and Many Yogis and Rishis also have done this divine Sadhana, through which they attained completeness and high pleasure in their life. One must perform this ritual to achieve desired beauty and happiness in his/her life. Rambha is actually a collective form of whole nature and beauty in the universe. Apsara Rambha is capable to captivate the highest proficient Yogi and Rishi due to her beauty, mesmerizing eyes, thick black hair, soothing and polite voice.

Following are the advantages of Rambha Apsara Sadhana:
  • Sadhak attains highest pleasure, happiness and joy in his life. He achieves full success in other Sadhanas, and in materialistic world. He/she becomes mentally and physically strong.
  • On achieving Siddhi on Rambha Apsara Sadhana, Rambha be seated in the whole life of Sadhak as a shadow in every step in his/her life. She helps to fulfill every desire in his/her life.
  • Sadhak will get the magnetic personality. Anyone get hypnotized and attracted towards him/her.
  • There will be the end of ageing, diseases and ailments from the life of Sadhak.
  • The whole life of Sadhak becomes full of love, happiness. There could not be love, enthusiasms and happiness in one’s life if he has not performed Rambha Apsara Sadhana.

Sadhana Procedure:

Articles needed for Rambha Apsara Sadhana: 
  • Mantra Energized Rambhotkilan Yantra
  • Apsara Mala
  • Saundarya Gutika and
  • Saafalya Mudrika.
This is 27 days Sadhana and should be performed at night. This Sadhana can be started on any Full Moon night, on Friday.

Before performing Sadhana, take a bath and wear attractive cloths and sit on yellow mat facing east. Light a ghee lamp and place a steel plate in front. Then take rose petals on both hands and offer prayers to Rambha chanting thus.

||O Rambhe Aagachchh Purnna Youvan Samstute||

Chant this Mantra minimum 101 times and put each petal of Rose on the plate on each chanting. In this way cover the whole plate with the petals of rose and flowers.

Then place the Apsara Rosary on the mound of rose petals on the plate. And spray the natural perfume on your seat. Then place the Rambhotkilan Yantra on pink cloth and also place Saundarya Gutika and Saafalya Mudrika right and left of the Yantra respectively.

Then worship Sadgurudev and chant one round of Guru Mantra. Then worship the Yantra with rice grains colored with pink color chanting following Mantra.

Om Divyaayei Namah, Om Vaagishwaryei Namah, Om Saundarya Priyaayei Namah, Om Youvan Priyaayei Namah, Om Saubhagyadaayei Namah, Om Aarogya Pradaayei Namah, Om Praanpriyaayei Namah, Om Urjaswalaayei Namah, Om Devpriyaayei Namah, Om Aishwaryapradaayei Namah, Om Dhandaayei Rambhaayei Namah.

Then chant 5 rounds of the following Mantra with Apsara Rosary,

Mantra: Om Hreem Ram Rambhe! Aagachchha Aagyaam Paalaya Manovaanchhitam Dehi Ayeim Om Swahaa

ॐ ह्रीं रं रम्भे! आगच्छ आज्ञां पालय मनोवांछितं देही ऐं ॐ स्वाहा

Every day, perform this Sadhana praying Rambha Apsara and each day take two garland of rose. Wear one garland self and another on the Yantra.

During 27 days of this Sadhana, new and divine experiences will felt by the Sadhak. Most of the Sadhak has seen and experienced the divine form and appearance of Rambha.

After the accomplishment of this Sadhana, Sadhak should wear Mudrika on Anamika finger and rest of the articles should be dropped in the river or pond. This Sadhana is really effective and if done with full faith and devotion, whole desires will be fulfilled in no time.

Thursday, November 3

Sadhana Of Saturn/Shani Sadhana

Sadhana Of Saturn/Shani Sadhana:

Appeasing Lord Saturn!
Shani Yantra (Lord Saturn)
If there is anything that the knowers of astrology fear most it is the Dasa or the period of Saturn. And no wonder, for even if Saturn is a benefic in one’s horoscope, it does show some of its natural ill effects during its Dasa.

And if by chance it is a malefic in the horoscope then it could simply unbalance life and make one go through unimaginable and unforeseeable trials and tribulations during this nineteen year long period.

However it is not a lost condition altogether if you are currently running the Shani Dasa (Saturn Period).

There are so many popular ways to make Saturn favorable. Many believe that there is no cure for it. Others resort to rituals through priests which could or could not work. Some believe that wearing iron rings or stones or giving away black cloth and mustard oil on Saturdays could negate the effect. Not that these methods are futile but the best way to counter the fury of Saturn is a Sadhana as prescribed by our Rishis.

Through these Sadhanas devised by the great Yogis, who were master astrologers as well, one could not just nullify Saturn’s negative effect but also make it favorable so that it could give benefic results in its Dasa. And know it that once one has appeased Saturn then there is no looking back for the person in terms of success and fame earned.

Saturn also rules over professions like engineering, medicine, politics and army, explosives and industry. So any one related to these fields could also try this Saturn Sadhana (Shani Sadhana) for more success.

Presented here is wonderful Saturn Sadhana that has been tried with amazing results by Sadhaks over the ages. Lord Krishna himself made Arjun accomplish this Sadhana before the start of Mahabharat War and no wonder Arjun remained invincible in the battle.

Try this Sadhana on any Saturday. It has to be repeated on three consecutive Saturdays.

In the night of a Saturday after 10 pm have a bath and wear black clothes. Sit on a black mat or blanket facing the South.

Cover a wooden seat with a black cloth and, on it make a mound of black sesame seeds. On the mound place the Shani Yantra.

Then contemplate on the form of Lord Shani (Saturn) chanting the following verse,

Om Shanno Deveerabhishtaya Aapo Bhavantu Peetaye Shanyorabhistrabhavantu Nah

After this make a mark of saffron on the Yantra and light a mustard oil lamp. Then pray to Lord Saturn to free you of all obstacles, fears, problems, pains and afflictions. Then chant one round of Guru Mantra and pray to the Guru for success in the Sadhana.

Then with a black Hakeek Rosary chant eleven rounds of the following Mantra,

Mantra: Om Sham Shaneishcharaaya Namah

ॐ शं शनैश्चराय नम:

Repeat this Sadhana on three consecutive Saturday. Before Sadhana on each Saturday during the day give away black sesame seeds, black cloth, iron made objects and black lentils as gifts to a poor needy person.

After Sadhana drop the Sadhana articles in a river or pond. This is a very powerful and one of the best Sadhanas for appeasing Saturn and through it sure enough one could gain the blessings and benefic effects of Saturn and achieve remarkable success even during the Dasa of the naturally malefic planet.

Siddha Beesaa Yantra Ring सिद्ध बीसा यन्त्र

Siddha Beesaa Yantra Ring:

Just as syllables are important information of Mantras, similarly numbers play a very vital role in formation of some of the most powerful and efficacious Yantras, Just as Beej Mantras or syllables are related to some divine power.

The conjunction of these numbers leads to the formation of several Yantras which could help one in one’s life to overcome various problems.

These Yantras might appear very ordinary but their effect is unfailing. While other Sadhanas might appear tough and difficult to perform, through these Yantras one could achieve unbelievable success in no time.

Siddha Beesaa Yantra:

Beesaa means twenty. One might add along any line the total comes to twenty. This Yantra is famous not only among the followers of Sanatan Dharma but also among the Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, Sikhs and the Muslims.

This Yantra is very powerful and it helps not only in gaining of Yogic powers and true knowledge but also in fulfillment of desired goals and banishing obstacles from life. If a Sadhak draws a Beesaa Yantra and tries some Sadhana he sure succeeds in the ritual and the wish with which he tries gets fulfilled. All problems in life can be removed through the help of this Yantra.

Beesaa Yantra Sadhana:

For this Sadhana one needs a Peepal (holy fig) or betel leaf (Paan Leaf). Wash the leaf and wipe it dry. Then on its smoother surface draw the following Yantra with sandalwood paste or Ashtagandh. Then on it place the Beesaa Yantra in the form of an amulet.
Siddha Beesaa Yantra Mudrika
Light a ghee lamp and offer vermillion and rice grains on the Yantra. Then with a Vijaya Rosary chant 11 rounds of the following Mantra.

Mantra: Om Sam Ham Sarvabhadraaya Devaaya Om

ॐ सं हं सर्वभद्राय देवाय ॐ

Repeat this Sadhana for eight days daily. Each day use a new leaf. After the completion of the Sadhana drop the rosary in a river or pond. Wear the Yantra amulet or ring in a thread around the neck or in your finger, till your wish is fulfilled. Then drop the Yantra too in a river or pond.

Wednesday, November 2

Eka Sau Sittariyaa Yantra Ring/Mudrika/Amulet

Eka Sau Sittariyaa Yantra:

Just as syllables are important information of Mantras, similarly numbers play a very vital role in formation of some of the most powerful and efficacious Yantras, Just as Beej Mantras or syllables are related to some divine power.

The conjunction of these numbers leads to the formation of several Yantras which could help one in one’s life to overcome various problems.

These Yantras might appear very ordinary but their effect is unfailing. While other Sadhanas might appear tough and difficult to perform, through these Yantras one could achieve unbelievable success in no time.

Eka Sau Sittariyaa Yantra:

Eka Sau Sittariyaa Yantra
Eka Sau Sittariyaa Yantra means one hundred and seventy one. One might add along any line the total comes to one hundred and seventy one.

It is said about this Yantra that if any couple is childless or wishes for a child then this Yantra can prove effective in fulfilling their desire. This Yantra not just helps the couple beget a child but the child thus born is highly intelligent, virtuous and spiritual by nature. Due to the good fortune of the child the family too benefits in terms of gain of wealth, comforts and prosperity.

Eka Sau Sittariyaa Yantra Sadhana:

This Sadhana can be tried by the husband or the wife or both together. Draw the above Yantra with vermillion in a plate which is covered with turmeric paste.

In its centre place a flower. On it place the Eka Sau Sittariyaa Yantra in form of an amulet. Then with a Coral Rosary chant eleven rounds of the following Mantra,

Mantra: Om Hreem Suputram Dehi Dehi Om Shambhavaaya Namah

ॐ ह्रीं सुपुत्रं देही देही ॐ शम्भवाय नम:

Repeat this Sadhana for eight days daily. The Sadhana can be started on any day. After the Sadhana the wife should wear the Yantra around neck or on the arm. Drop the rosary in a river or pond.