
Tuesday, August 2

Batuk Bheirav sadhana

Batuk Bhairav Sadhana, Get Rid Of Any Problems:

It is said that in the present times of Kaliyug the Sadhanas of Lord Bheirav are among the most easy to accomplish and succeed in. The ancient text Shiv Mahapuraan states that Bheirav is but another form of Lord Shiva and he protects his devotees from the gravest dangers.

The text Shakti Samagam Tantra tells how Bheirav first manifested. In the ancient times a demon named Aadpad performed very severe penance and became immortal. He started using his power to harass the gods and human beings. At last when his atrocities became unbearable the gods got together and started to think of some way to put an end to the life of Aapad.

They prayed to Lord Shiva for help and in response a divine radiance appeared from the form of the Lord.   This assumed the form of a five year old child Batuk Bheirav. Simultaneously divine radiance also poured forth from the forms of the gods and merged into the form of Batuk. Thus the child Batuk was blessed by all divine beings and he became invincible.

Batuk Bheirav killed the demon Aapad and he came to be known as Aapaduddhaarak Bheirav i.e. Bheirav who got rid of demon Aapad. From that time Aapad came to be a synonym of problems and Bheirav is the deity who protects his devotees from all the problems in life.
  1. Through Batuk Bheirav Sadhana the following gains can be had.
  2. ·         All problems, obstacles and dangers are removed from one’s life.
  3. ·         One becomes mentally peaceful and quarrels and tensions in family life come to and end.
  4. ·         One is protected even from the future problems if one regularly tries this Sadhana at least once every year,
  5. ·         In order to make the state authorities favorable and to win court cases there is no better Sadhanas.
  6. ·         One’s life and property are protected from all dangers.

In the night of a Sunday have a bath and wear fresh clean clothes. Then on a wooden seat placed before you make a mound of black sesame seeds. On it place Batuk Bheirav Yantra. Light a ghee lamp and then offer flowers and vermillion to the Lord. Pray to the Guru for success in the Sadhana.
Then join both palms and meditate on the divine forth of Lord chanting thus.

Bhakatyaa Namaami Batukam Tarunnam, Trinetram, Kaam Pradaan Var Kapaal Trishool Dandaan. Bhaktaarti Naash Karanne Dadhatam Kareshu, Tam Kostubhaa-Bharann Bhooshit Divya Deham.

Then take some rice grains in your right hand and speak out your problems clearly. Next move the rice grains around your head and throw them in all directions. Then with a Batuk Bheirav rosary chant eleven rounds of following Mantra.

Om Hreem Batukaaya Aapad Uddhaarnaaya Kuru Kuru Batukaaya Hreem Om Swaahaa.

Do this regularly for 7 days. After 7 days, drop the Yantra and Rosary in a pond or a river. Soon  favorable results would manifest.

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